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The full-handle Laguiole knife is a refined model with a beautiful aesthetic. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of bolsters.
Thus, the material is revealed along the entire length of the handle, highlighting the original curves of the Laguiole knife.
Each Laguiole en Aubrac knife is crafted from start to finish by a single artisan, ensuring its authenticity and quality. The beauty of the full-handle knives is enhanced by the handcarving work on the spring, reflecting the creativity of the cutler. With its design, the full-handle knife provides excellent grip.

  • 12 CM
  • 11 CM
  • 10 CM


Our designs

Explore a selection of our range here and choose the shade that suits you best by consulting our material chart.

The materials

Our material chart

Select the shade that suits you best

The workshop

A unique work of art for each Laguiole knife

A team of about thirty cutlers and carpenters work daily in the Laguiole en Aubrac workshops to perpetuate the cutlery tradition of our region.